




Section 1 Name:

The name of this association is:



Section 2 Purpose:

The purpose of NorCal Hunter Jumper Association is to promote the hunter, jumper & equitation divisions at Central and Northern California horse shows.


Section 3 Territory:

The southern border of NorCal approved shows is the southern edge of the following counties:


San Luis Obispo - Kern -Inyo


NorCal shows may only be approved above that line and within the State of California.


Section 4 Objectives:

A. To provide a forum representing all the special interests involved hunter/jumper horse shows, and to seek solutions to problems based on the best interest of the sport in the long run.

B. To assist in coordinating show dates.

C. To provide for year-end championship awards.

D. To encourage horse shows to offer classes which best meet the needs of the competitors.

E. To promote educational activities.

F. To sponsor special equestrian activities.


Section 5 Intent:

The association's business will be conducted in a not-for-profit manner. The organization does not contemplate pecuniary gain or profit to the members thereof and is organized for non-profit purposes.



Section 1 General Membership:

There are two types of membership in this association:


A. Senior Member - these members are at least 18 years of age.

B. Junior Member - an individual who has not reached his or her 18th birthday as of December 1st of the current competition year. The age of an individual on December 1st will be maintained throughout the entire competition year.


Memberships may be Annual or Lifetime. Annual memberships expire November 30th of each year.


Section 2 Horse Registration:

There are two types of horse registration available:


A. Annual

B. Lifetime


Annual horse registrations expire November 30th of each year.


Horse registration fees must be paid, and owners and riders of registered horses must be paid members for points to accrue towards year-end awards. If a member will be showing a horse as owned by a farm, the farm name may be included in the membership at no additional cost, but this information must be on file in the NorCal office before points will be credited.


If a member is leasing a horse, in order for that horse to accrue points with NorCal the horse, lessee and rider must all be paid members of NorCal, and the NorCal office must be notified in writing of said lease.


Membership & horse registration begins on the date the application is received in the NorCal office or by the horse show secretary if the application is turned in at a horse show. Points accrue from that date, and

are not retroactive.


Section 3 Amount of dues:

The Board of Directors is authorized to set the dollar amounts required for membership and horse registration. Currently these dues are:

Senior Members (Annual) $65

Junior Members (Annual) $65

3 Year Member (Junior or Senior) $180

Lifetime Membership $650

Horse Registration (Annual) $50

Horse Registration (Lifetime) $120


Section 4 Required Memberships:

Competitors in all NorCal Medal Classes must be current NorCal members. Trainers of competitors in these classes must also be current NorCal members. Horse Show Managers of NorCal approved shows must be current NorCal members.


Prospective NorCal Medal Class competitors must show proof of NorCal membership prior to riding in the class. In cases where a competitor has mailed in his/her application and dues directly to the NorCal office, the envelope must be postmarked prior to the date on which the class is held.  Non-members who wish to compete may join NorCal at the show by presenting a completed application form & appropriate dues to the show secretary.


In order for horses to be eligible for points in NorCal's year-end programs, both the owner and the rider must be current members of NorCal in addition to the horse being registered with NorCal. (See Section 2 regarding leased horses.) However, for equitation points only the rider needs to be a member - he or she may ride any horse or pony whether registered with NorCal or not.



Section 1 Board of Directors:

Starting in 2015, the general membership will elect a board of directors, not to exceed 16, who shall each serve a two-year term which will serve without compensation. Directors will, however, be reimbursed mileage expenses when driving to the meetings.  (Procedures for elections are outlined in Article IV.) From its members, the Board of Directors will elect officers and assign them duties as follows:


The PRESIDENT will preside at meetings, and perform other duties commonly associated with the position.


The 1ST VICE PRESIDENT shall have the powers and exercise the duties of the President in case of the President's absence, incapacity or death.


The 2ND VICE PRESIDENT will be responsible for public relations and promotional activities.


The TREASURER will manage, subject to audit, the financial affairs of the association, providing reports and accounting as appropriate.


Section 2 Secretaries (Administrative and Recording):

The Secretaries shall be appointed by the executive committee. All details and/or problems pertaining to the job of Secretary shall be confined to the executive committee, acting upon the consent of the general Board. The Secretaries are not members of the Board of Directors. 


Section 3 Executive Committee:

Together the President, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President & Treasurer will make up the Executive Committee which will, from time to time, be given authority by the Board of Directors to act on certain matters. The Executive Committee shall be empowered to act for the Board between meetings on matters not involving rule changes and when time is of the essence.


Section 4 Required Membership:

All members of the Board of Directors must be current NorCal members.


Section 5 Meetings:

The NorCal Board of Directors will meet as frequently as necessary to attend to the association business.


Section 6 Quorum:

One more than half of the Board Members (i.e. 9) shall constitute a quorum.


Section 7 Attendance at Meetings:

Board Members are expected to attend board meetings. Board Members must notify the NorCal office if they cannot attend a meeting. The Board of Directors retains the right to review attendance and replace a Board Member who, during one year, has more than two absences.  Board members must attend, in-person, two of the following meetings to remain on the NorCal Board: 1) Annual NorCal Banquet Meeting 2) NorCal Medal Finals Meeting and/or 3) the NorCal Clinic Meeting to remain an active board member.  Directors with aforementioned attendance will be notified in writing by the Elections Chairperson that their attendance will be reviewed at the next Board Meeting. Should such  review result in an opening on the Board, that directorship may be filled with the next person in line from the most recent open election for Board of  Directors. 


Any NorCal member may attend meetings of the Board of Directors.  However, the board requests that members planning to attend contact the

NorCal office or a Board Member in advance. Notice of upcoming meetings will be published in the NorCal Newsletter.


Section 8 Protocol:

It is the duty of every person elected to the NorCal Board of Directors to deport themselves in a professional manner at all times when representing themselves as a board member. At no time should a board member speak as representing the opinion of the board on any issue unless they have the explicit direction and consensus of the board to do so. At all times, board members should attempt to be constructive and operate in the positive best interests of the NorCal membership.


Section 1 General:

Elections will be held annually, as needed, and scheduled to allow the new board to be duly selected and recognized at the year-end awards celebration. The new board, assisted by the outgoing president, will schedule their initial meeting to be held no later than January 31st, at which time the Executive Committee will be elected.


Section 2 Procedures:

The election of NorCal Board members will be done with an online voting system.  All members regardless of age may vote. The attendance record of incumbent board members shall be printed on the ballot. Candidates' statements are included with the balloting material.


Section 3 Nominations:

Any NorCal member may submit his or her name for nomination.  Nominations must be in the NorCal office by the third weekend of September. The list of nominees will be presented to the Board of Directors for approval at the October meeting. The ballot will be sent out by November 15th, and votes will be due by December 10th. If 16 or fewer people are nominated, no election will be necessary.


The President shall be allowed, with the approval of the Board, to appoint new members if there are resignations from the Board and no one is in line to fill these vacancies.


The NorCal Board of Directors will designate committees in order to more effectively accomplish the duties and goals of the organization. Any decisions made by a committee are subject to the approval of the Board of Directors.


Section 1 Selection:

Committees will be reviewed and designated at the first Board of Directors meeting each year. Members will be appointed and/or approved by the President and committee chair.


Section 2 Duties:

Each committee will serve to accomplish specific goals, and will be subject to additional duties as may be assigned by the Board of Directors throughout the year. Duties of standing committees are outlined below.


Section 3 Chairpersons:

The Chair for each committee will be assigned by the President at the first board meeting of the year. The Chairperson and/or President may then solicit committee members from both the Board and the general membership. Chairpersons will be expected to keep a record of committee meetings and agendas, which will be available to the Board Members upon request. The Committee Chair will also be required to keep a written record of their responsibilities, updating it from year to year if they remain as committee chair, so that each Chair has something to pass on to whoever takes over when they are no longer serving as Committee Chair.


Section 4 Committees:



Members will consist of the Executive Board, and may include the outgoing President and First Vice President. The NorCal recording secretary will be present at these meetings and will keep a record of the proceedings, unless said meeting is convened to discuss the secretarial positions, in which case the presence of the recording secretary is by invitation only.


The primary purpose of this committee is to set the payroll and do hiring or firing for the NorCal office. This committee may set procedure for NorCal business, including horse show approval, and will handle any appeals which are presented to NorCal. This committee will also convene

to discuss committee chair replacements, if and when necessary. Design of horse show management packet will be coordinated through this committee, with necessary input from Rules committee.



To organize annual brunch/dinner and awards presentation. 


To coordinate all aspects of the year-end awards function.  Necessary to work in conjunction with Fundraising and Awards, since these committees directly impact year-end awards, location, and year-end divisions.


Potentially sizable as this is NorCal's primary function. Submit an annual budget.




To provide a selection of individuals from whom the membership may select representation.


To act as a nominating committee for the general election of the Board and for the election of officers within the Board. To coordinate all election efforts, notify members and Board Members of elections and selections. The Chair of this committee to preside over election of officers and Board Members.


Submit an annual budget.




To be responsible for coordinating all fund-raising efforts for NorCal.


To coordinate and solicit sponsorships for NorCal year-end awards. May be called upon to assist other committees with various fund-raising activities.


To be determined by committee.




To promote NorCal's members interests with other organizations.


To determine the need for representation of membership within affiliated groups, or in other policy-making bodies which affect the membership, and to provide said representation.


Submit an annual budget.




To coordinate the NorCal Medal Finals.


To oversee all aspects of Medal Finals, working with show management to be certain all requirements of the Medals are met, including: officials, scoring, order of go, courses, and any and all specifications. Work with Awards Committee to provide necessary awards.


Submit annual budget.



Directly the duty of the Second Vice-President; however the 2nd VP may establish a committee to better coordinate Public Relations for NorCal.


Year-end reports to periodicals, publication of articles on the Medal Finals. Providing horse shows, businesses, publications and members and non-members with information about NorCal and NorCal events shall be the responsibility of this committee.


Subject to need.




To organize and supervise the rules, laws and bylaws of this organization.


To provide the structure for the NorCal rule book and to make certain members are provided with any changes and/or updates.  To design new Rulebook when necessary. To review rule change proposals and to present them to the Board of Directors. To
review rule book for any inconsistencies and to bring these to the attention of the Board to clarify rules when necessary, and to differentiate between rules and business procedure. To advise members of rules when necessary.


Potentially minimal and contained within administrative costs.  Necessary to coordinate with NorCal office for rule change publication and for costs of new rule book when necessary.




To work to improve and/or maintain quality of Northern California horse shows.


To review Stewards' Reports and Show Evaluation Forms from NorCal shows; to communicate suggestions from exhibitors and NorCal members to show management, and to advise management of necessary improvements, problem areas, and/or especially good features of their show.


Minimal, absorbed under administrative costs.




To generate ideas or to implement the Board of Directors' decisions regarding the use of NorCal funds for education of, or competitions for, the general membership.


To oversee and coordinate activities, programs and competitions supported and/or sponsored by NorCal, including but not limited to Hunter Bonus, Jumper Bonus, Equitation Classics, and Educational Clinics.


Determined by the board for each event.




To provide information to NorCal members including, but not limited to, the horse show calendar, points standings, general NorCal information, and sponsorship information.


Minimal, absorbed under administrative costs.


Section 1 Amendments and Rule Changes:

Any proposed rule changes may be submitted in writing to a board member or the NorCal office prior to September 1st. At least once each year a "Proposed Rule Change" form will be printed in the Newsletter to give the general membership the opportunity to propose rule changes.


All proposed rule changes will be discussed and voted on at the Board Meeting following receipt of the proposed change. If the majority of the Board approves the change, then the proposed rule change will be published in the next Bulletin. If the proposed rule change is voted down, it may be re-written and re-introduced at a later meeting. The Board of Directors maintains the sole right to enact new rules and make rule changes. A proposed rule must be voted on twice. If a proposed rule passes the first vote, it will be published in the next Newsletter, with the second vote at the meeting following publication, or not later than the November meeting, at which time minor corrections or modifications which do not change the intent or spirit of the original vote may be made.


A proposed rule change may pass with a simple majority vote of those

present, i.e: 5 to 4 or 7 to 6 or 9 to 7. No absentee ballots or votes will be permitted; however, members may assign their written proxy to another director to vote for them in their absence. (Directors' written proxies must be on file in the NorCal office.) Proxy votes will count towards the minimum necessary to pass a rule change.


Section 2 Extraordinary Rule Changes:

(a) An extraordinary rule change proposal requires an affirmative vote by simple majority to decide if an issue is eligible for consideration as an extraordinary rule change.


(b) If the proposal passes (a) above, it must pass by an 80% majority at two consecutive meetings with a quorum.


Section 3 U.S.Equestrian (USEF) and P.C.H.A.:

NorCal will follow the rules and regulations of U.S.Equestrian and Pacific Coast Horse Shows Association whenever possible for any procedure not covered herein.


Section 4 Rule Books:

Members are entitled to receive a copy of current NorCal rules. The NorCal rule book is updated periodically and revisions are posted online. 



Section 1 Finances:

Expenses of the association fall into two categories:


Awards expenses

Administrative expenses


Awards expenses are financed by the fee levied on participating horses at NorCal approved shows (currently $3), and by the fee paid by riders in NorCal Medal Classes (currently $2). This category includes expenses for year end awards banquet, show championship ribbons, bonus classes,

educational activities, and medal finals awards.


Administrative expenses are financed by membership fees, horse registrations, and show registration fees. This category includes expenses for newsletter/points bulletin publication, postage, and secretarial/administration costs.


Section 2 Treasurer's Reports:

The Treasurer will prepare for the Board of Directors any financial reports, budget summaries, and financial statements as needed to keep the Board informed as to the true financial circumstances of the association.


Section 3 "Lifetime" funds:

"Lifetime" funds (both membership and horse) are considered "restricted" funds and not included in the General Funds. However, upon recommendation of the Treasurer, 10 years of Life Member funds and 5 years of Life Horse funds will be kept as "restricted", with amounts from previous years transferred to the general fund. This will be done on an annual basis.


Section 1 Newsletter and Points Bulletin:

A Newsletter/Points Bulletin will be printed and mailed to all members approximately 8 times a year. The publication will include a calendar of NorCal approved and applied for shows, points for those shows for which results were received by press time, and current points standings in all recognized NorCal divisions and special programs. The publication will also include association news, items of interest to members, and the date and location of the next board meeting.


Section 2 Point Discrepancies:

Members are encouraged to check their point totals in each issue of the Newsletter to make certain the totals are correct. Reports of suspected errors must be submitted in writing on the form provided in the Newsletter to the NorCal office within 30 days of publication. The exception to this rule is the final Points Bulletin. For that issue, discrepancies must be reported within 15 days. After these grace periods, points will stand as published. Discrepancy reports may also be faxed to the NorCal office or submitted via email.


Section 3

The Board of Directors shall have the authority and power to determine the proper procedure and to settle any disputes, and to make any other determinations that might become necessary for the proper, efficient and

fair administration of the year-end awards program for the benefit of all exhibitors. This authority and power applies to ambiguity in the rules, or absence of applicable rule, or interpretation of an existing rule or situation, or making exceptions to existing rules, or any other determination in the interest of justice, fairness and good sportsmanship.


Section 1 NorCal Divisions for Year-end Awards:

NorCal Hunter Jumper Association sponsors a year-end awards program in the divisions outlined below. At the end of the year, special awards are presented to the Champion, Reserve Champion and Third Place in each division, with ribbons through 10th place. Year-end divisions are subject to review by the Board of Directors. Currently, these divisions are:


Green Hunters 

Young Hunters

Performance Hunters 

Modified Junior/Amateur Working Hunters

Junior Working Hunters 3’3”

Junior Working Hunters 3’6” 

Amateur Owner Working Hunters 3’3” 18 & Over

Amateur Owner Working Hunters 3’6” 18 & Over

Childrens Working Hunters 13 & under

Childrens Working Hunters 14 - 17

Adult Amateur Working Hunters 18 - 40

Adult Amateur Working Hunters 41 & over

Low Child/Adult Hunters 2’6”

Short/Long Stirrup

Childs Pony Working Hunter

Small Pony Working Hunters

Medium Pony Working Hunters

Large Pony Working Hunters

Modified Amateur Jumpers

Modified Junior Jumpers

Junior Jumpers 17 & under

Amateur Jumpers 18 & over

Childre-ns Jumpers 

Adult Amateur Jumpers 

Low Children’s Jumpers 

Low Adult Jumpers

Equitation, Riders 11 & under

Equitation, Riders 12 - 14

Equitation, Riders 15 - 17

Pony Equitation, Riders 17 & under

Amateur Equitation, Riders 18 - 35

Amateur Equitation, Riders 36 & over


Section 2 Year-end Points:

NorCal will point according to USEF rules for C rated points for 2017 and beyond.  NorCal will double all division points earned at the Medal Finals Show.  


Show results for NorCal approved shows are sent to the NorCal office.  NorCal members and registered horses who exhibited accrue points towards year-end awards in the divisions listed above.


Section 3 Classes to Count:

If horse show management elects to hold a class for Hunters, Jumpers, or Equitation with less than three (3) entries showing, NorCal points will not be given for that class. In all Hunter classes, the number of horses in the first performance class of a section held at each show determines the increment.  In hunter divisions, all over-fences classes are pointed. Only the first under-saddle class in each division will receive points.


In all Equitation classes, the increment will be determined on a PER CLASS basis.  In equitation divisions, only non-restricted over-fences or flat classes are pointed. Restricted classes include, but are not limited to, Maiden, Novice, Limit, and Medal Classes. If a show offers more than 4 equitation classes per age group, a rider will earn points from his or her best 4 classes at that show. If a show offers pony equitation classes divided by size of pony, a rider may earn points on only one pony. Unless a specific pony is declared, points earned on the first pony ridden will be used. Any questions will be referred to the Executive Procedures Committee.


In all Jumper classes, the increment will be determined on a PER CLASS basis.  


A division must be held a minimum of six times during the show year for a year-end award to be offered.


Hunter Classics will receive points according to the number of entries in the specified Hunter Classic.


For Jumper Divisions that have NorCal Year End Awards, all classics and stakes will be pointed for year-end awards according to the number of entries in the specified Jumper Classic.


Only a horse/rider’s top 10 shows in each division will count for NorCal Year End Awards in all NorCal divisions.


Section 4 Year-end Jumper Award:

NorCal will offer a cash award to be divided 70%-20%-10% to the top three money-winning riders in jumper classes at NorCal approved shows during the year. The awards will be computed based upon money won by members and recorded horses in any jumper classes offering prize money paying $5,000 or more at NorCal sanctioned shows. If a rider competes on more than one horse in a class, only the money won on his/her highest placing horse will count.  Current standings will be published in the Newsletter/Points Bulletin.


Section 5 Maiden, Novice & Limit:

NorCal presents a Certificate to members who graduate from Maiden, Novice and Limit Equitation Divisions during the show year. Members who earn these certificates must inform the NorCal office in advance of the year-end awards celebration so that their certificates can be prepared.

Members are encouraged to notify the NorCal office as soon as they graduate from a given division so that their names can be published in the Newsletter.


The status of a rider is defined as:

A maiden rider has not won a first place ribbon....

A novice rider has not won three first place ribbons...

A limit rider has not won six first place ribbons....


... in equitation classes at a show recognized by PCHA or USEF.

Status is determined from the closing date of entries.


Ribbons won in leadline and walk/trot classes do not count. Ribbons won in flat classes do not affect a rider's status in classes over fences. However, ribbons won in classes over fences do affect a rider's status in flat classes. Ribbons won in classes with less than three entries do not affect a rider's status. Ribbons won in short stirrup classes and in classes over obstacles lower than 2'3" will not be counted in reckoning Maiden, Novice or Limit status.


Section 6 Cross Entering:

Current USEF Zone X specifications for cross-entry restrictions will apply.


Section 1 Show Requirements:

NorCal shows must be USEF approved and therefore meet the division requirements of a USEF rated horse show. A NorCal horse show must offer at least two of the four NorCal Medal Classes. These are the NorCal Junior Medal, NorCal Senior Medal, NorCal Pony Medal and NorCal 3-ft Medal.


Horse shows which are approved by USEF that offer limited divisions will be granted approval by NorCal.


Section 2 Show Year:

NorCal approved shows may be held from the third weekend in January through the second weekend in November.


Section 3 Show Manager's Guide:

This is to serve as a guide to show managers interested in obtaining NorCal approval for their horse shows. Managers of NorCal approved shows must be current members of NorCal Hunter Jumper Association in good standing.


Section 4 Date Reservations:

September 15th is the deadline each year for submitting date reservations for comparable dates for the following show year. By August 15th, the NorCal office emails packets to managers that include Date Reservation Forms and will post these forms on the NorCal webpage. In order to secure comparable dates for the following year, managers must send in completed reservation forms, including a copy of their USEF Date Application or a copy of their USEF approval letter, together with a negotiable check. If the USEF approval letter is not received by September 15th, a copy must be mailed to the NorCal office within two weeks of its receipt from USEF. Dates not reserved by September 15th will be considered available dates for the following year.


Pursuant to applications, if USEF approval is denied, NorCal approval will also be denied.  It is the policy of NorCal that the date reservation fee is non-refundable.


NorCal will post by November 1st a tentative calendar for the up and coming competition year.  Shows will be marked as “APPLIED” or “APPROVED” based on the information received by NorCal.  Any new show to apply for a date without the USEF written approval will not be posted on the website.


Section 5 Horse Show Applications:

To be considered for approval, the following requirements must be met:


1. All date applications must be received by the NorCal office at least 90 days prior to the first day of the show.


2. Applications must include USEF License Agreement before a show can be approved.


3. All shows must submit their list of officials and divisions offered, together with a copy of their USEF approval if not previously submitted, at least 90 days prior to the first day of the show.


4. Shows with a USEF “Local” rating will be “C” rated for the purpose of NorCal.


Failure to adhere to these deadlines may result in the horse show being fined $5.00 per day for each day late (maximum $150) or not being rated, at the discretion of the Executive Committee.


Section 6 Date Conflicts:

  1. NorCal will not sanction any show over the same dates within 100 miles, of any NorCal sanctioned Medal Finals.

  2. NorCal will approve any show that meets the USEF mileage requirements for the rating for which they are applying.

  3. Show Dates will be issued on the same comparable date with the same ratings as that of the previous year provided that: A show submits its application with the correct fees by September 15th of  each year and that the show existed on those dates the prior year.

  4. If the show is USEF sanctioned, the NorCal rating in a given division or section must be the same as the corresponding USEF rating for that division or section.


Section 7 Events with Rule Exemption:

Upon written application, including all necessary and pertinent specifics, to the NorCal Board of Directors at least 120 days prior to an event, certain exemptions to Association rules may be approved at the Board's discretion. It would have to be believed that, overall, the rule exemption would be in the best interest of the exhibitors to be approved, whether or not for points. Exemptions to Association rules, if granted, are on a one time only basis. A $50 non-refundable processing fee is required and must accompany a written timely-submitted "Request for Event with Rule Exemption."


Section 8 Approval Notification:

NorCal will post to its website by November 1st a tentative calendar of events.  Shows will be marked as either “APPLIED” or “APPROVED” based on the information received by NorCal.


Section 9 Horse Show Premium Books:

Premium books for NorCal approved shows must include a current NorCal membership application. Failure to include this will result in an automatic fine of $250.00. Current specifications for whichever NorCal Medals are offered should also be included, and if not, a copy of the Medal specifications must be posted in a prominent place in the horse show office. A copy of the prize list must be received in the NorCal office at least two weeks prior to the closing date of entries or an automatic fine of $50 will be imposed. If a show will NOT have a veterinarian on the grounds throughout the show, this MUST be clearly stated on the cover of the Prize List.


Section 10 Monies to be Collected and Show Results:

Managers collect $3 per horse or pony exhibited, whether or not the participants are NorCal members. Managers also collect $2 per exhibitor in NorCal Medal Classes. This money, along with complete show results through 6th  place, (8th place in medal classes) must be mailed to the NorCal office within 14 days of show's end. Managers must also provide NorCal with a roster which includes the names & addresses of all NorCal Medal Class participants. Managers will be assessed a fine of $10.00 per day for each day the results are late (maximum $300).


Section 11 Certified Mail:

It is recommended that managers send date reservations, horse show applications, and show results to the NorCal office by Certified Mail. Fax is acceptable when transmission of funds is not involved, however verbal messages are not acceptable.


Section 12 Fines, Late Fees:

Fines and late fees are covered in each applicable section. For ready reference they are itemized below:


$5 per day (maximum $150) for each day show applications and supporting documentation are late.

$300 for advertising show as NorCal approved prior to receiving notification from NorCal office.


$10 per day (maximum $300) for each day show results are late.


$50 if Prize List is not received at least 2 weeks prior to closing date of entries.


$250 if current NorCal membership application is not included in the prize list.


In the event that managers are fined, they have 30 days from the date of billing to pay the fine or they will incur the following additional penalties:


31 - 60 days add $50

61 - 90 days add $75

over 90 days add $100


Section 13 Show Champions:

NorCal provides Show Champion and Reserve Champion ribbon sets to approved shows which hold full NorCal recognized divisions. (A minimum of 3 classes constitutes a division). Championships will be based on the USEF points structure.


Junior and Amateur Owner Jumper Championships may be based on prize money won if so stated in the prize list.


Section 14 Withholding Approval:

The Show Standards Committee shall notify show managers of any problems at their horse shows that need to be resolved. The show will have a year to resolve the problem(s), and if not resolved SATISFACTORILY the Board has the option of withholding NorCal approval the following year.



Section 1: NorCal Junior Hunter/Jumper Medal Class Specifications:

The NorCal JUNIOR Medal Class is open to current junior members of NorCal Hunter/Jumper Association. Trainers of contestants must also be current NorCal members. A stallion may not be ridden by a junior.

To be shown over a course of not less than eight fences 3'6" in height. Either hunter or jumper type fences may be used. The course must include at least two changes of direction, and a combination containing an oxer. No triple combinations, water jumps or liverpools are allowed. Two or more tests of the top 4 riders will be required (Tests 1-17). Any exhibitor failing to return for the work-off will automatically be placed last of those called back.

Five (5) points qualifies a junior rider for the finals. Qualified riders may continue to compete in the class throughout the year.  Points will be awarded as follows:

If 20+ riders complete the course 10-8-7-6-5-4-3-2.
If 5-20 riders complete the course 7-5-4-3-2-1
If 4 riders complete the course 5-3-2-1
If 3 riders complete the course 4-2-1

If fewer than 5 riders complete the course, no medal will be awarded. Three riders must complete the course in order to fill the class. If fewer than 3 riders complete the course, no points will be awarded. Management may combine the NorCal Junior and NorCal Senior Medal Classes in the event that one or the other, or both, do not fill. A winning junior rider will be eligible for the finals provided a minimum of 3 riders complete the course.


Section 2:  NorCal Senior Hunter/Jumper Medal Class Specifications:

The NorCal SENIOR Medal Class is open to current amateur senior NorCal members. Trainers of contestants must also be current NorCal members.

To be shown over a course of not less than eight fences 3'6" in height. Either hunter or jumper type fences may be used. The course must include at least two changes of direction, and a combination containing an oxer. No triple combinations, water jumps or liverpools are allowed. Two or more tests of the top 4 riders will be required (Tests 1-17). Any exhibitor failing to return for the work-off will automatically be placed last of those called back.

If a senior rider completes a NorCal 3’6” medal qualifier they are automatically qualified for the final. Qualified riders may continue to compete in the class throughout the year.

If fewer than 5 riders complete the course, no medal will be awarded.  Three riders must complete the course in order to fill the class.  Management may combine the NorCal Junior and NorCal Senior Medal Classes in the event that one or the other, or both, do not fill.


Section 3: NorCal Pony Medal Class Specifications: The NorCal Pony Medal Class is open to current junior members of NorCal Hunter/Jumper Association. Trainers of contestants must also be members of NorCal. No junior over 12 years may compete on a small pony, and no junior over 14 years may compete on a medium pony. Riders in this class may NOT enter a NorCal Junior Medal at the same show. Suitability of pony to rider will be emphasized - stallions are not permitted. One rider per pony.      

Hunter-type fences will be used and fence heights will be according to USEF specifications for small, medium, and large ponies. The course, of not less than six hunter-type fences with at least one change of direction, is to incorporate at least two tests (USEF 1-9). No work-off is required. 

Three (3) points qualifies a pony rider for the Finals. Qualified riders may continue to compete in the class throughout the year. Points will be awarded as follows:

If 20+ riders complete the course 10-8-7-6-5-4-3-2
If 5-20 riders complete the course 7-5-4-3-2-1
If 4 riders complete the course 5-3-2-1
If 3 riders complete the course 4-2-1

If 2 riders complete the course 3-1

If 1 rider completes the course 1 point will be awarded.


If fewer than 5 riders complete the course, no medal will be awarded.


Section 4: NorCal 3 ft. Medal Class Specifications: 

The purpose of this class is to introduce novice/intermediate riders to the demands of Medal Class competition. This class is open to junior and amateur members of NorCal who have not shown in any classes higher than 3'3" in the qualifying year. Trainers of contestants must also be NorCal members. A stallion may not be ridden by a junior.

The class may be held in either the hunter ring or the jumper ring. The course will consist of approximately 8 fences 3-ft in height, with a minimum of two changes of direction. A work-off of at least the top 4 contestants is mandatory. 

Seven (7) points qualifies a junior rider for the finals. Qualified riders may continue to compete in the class throughout the year.  Points will be awarded as follows:

If 20+ riders complete the course 10-8-7-6-5-4-3-2.
If 5-20 riders complete the course 7-5-4-3-2-1
If 4 riders complete the course 5-3-2-1
If 3 riders complete the course 4-2-1

Three riders must complete the course in order to fill the class. If fewer than 3 riders complete the course, no points will be awarded. If fewer than 5 riders complete the course, no medal will be awarded.


Section 4 Tack and Personal Attire:

For all NorCal Medals, regulation snaffles, pelhams, or full bridles, all with cavesson nosebands, are recommended. Non-conventional nosebands may be penalized. Standing or running martingales are optional. No other types of martingales or draw reins may be used. Boots and/or conservatively colored bandages are permitted.


Personal attire to be in accordance with Section EQ109 of the USEF rule book.


Section 5 Ineligibility:


Any rider who participates in a NorCal Medal Class who is not a current member will be subject to the following disciplinary action.


First Offense: Rider will pay the current membership dues and forfeit any award and points.


Second Offense: Rider will pay double the current membership dues, forfeit any award and points, and will not be eligible to ride in a NorCal Medal Class for the remainder of the year.


No points will be awarded to any contestant in a NorCal Medal Class if the trainer is not a member. If a trainer is not a member and wishes to join the Association, the Trainer will be fined $200 that will include that year’s membership fee. Becoming a lifetime member will satisfy this requirement.



Open to all eligible riders who have qualified since the previous year's finals. Tack and attire to be as specified in Article XI Section 4. To be judged in two rounds and a work-off over a course of fences 3'6" in height.  Courses must incorporate at least one combination including an oxer, and at least two changes of direction after the first fence. There will be at least two judges who will sit on opposite sides of the arena, and be on separate radio channels.


Any horse may be used by a competitor, but the same horse must be used for all rounds, one rider per horse. A stallion may not be ridden by a junior. Due to illness of or injury to a horse, a rider may petition the Appeals Committee to be allowed to ride a substitute horse.


Order of Go: First round - drawn the day prior to the round at a time and place to be announced.

Second round - lowest score to highest score, with the steward drawing in case of identical scores.

Work-off - lowest score to highest score.


All riders will ride the first round. Each judge will give an independent score, which will be announced. The three scores will be averaged for each rider. This will conclude the first round, for which ribbons to 10th place will be awarded.


All riders from the first round will return for the second round. The course for the second round will be different from that of the first round. The scores will again be averaged, and ribbons to 10th place will be awarded for Round 2.


The averages from both rounds will be totaled to form an overall score. The four riders with the highest overall score, and any other rider whose overall score is within three percent of the highest overall score, will be required to work off individually. The judges scores from the work-off will be averaged and added to the overall score to form a final score. The highest final score will be the winning score.


round 1 score = sum(judges scores) / number of judges

round 2 score = sum(judges scores) / number of judges

overall score = round 1 score + round 2 score

workoff score = sum(judges scores) / number of judges

cut-off score  = Leader score - (leader score * .03)


Any rider completing the course will receive a score pre-agreed upon by the judges which shall be greater than zero.  Except for what is specified above, USEF rules regarding equitation classes will be followed.


Ribbons will be awarded through 10th place overall.  The winners of the NorCal Junior Medal Finals are no longer eligible to compete in the NorCal Medal Class. Juniors may, however, compete in the Senior Medal Class when they move up to the Amateur division.   



Open to all eligible riders who have qualified since the previous year's finals. Tack and attire to be as specified in Article XI Section 4. To be judged in two rounds and a work-off over a course of fences 3'6" in height.  Courses must incorporate at least one combination including an oxer, and at least two changes of direction after the first fence. There will be at least two judges who will sit on opposite sides of the arena, and be on separate radio channels.


Any horse may be used by a competitor, but the same horse must be used for all rounds, one rider per horse. A stallion may not be ridden by a junior. Due to illness of or injury to a horse, a rider may petition the Appeals Committee to be allowed to ride a substitute horse.


If there are fewer than eight entered finalists in the NorCal Senior 3’6” Medal Finals the final for Juniors and Seniors may be combined.


Order of Go: First round - drawn the day prior to the round at a time and place to be announced.

Second round - lowest score to highest score, with the steward drawing in case of identical scores.

Work-off - lowest score to highest score.


All riders will ride the first round. Each judge will give an independent score, which will be announced. The three scores will be averaged for each rider. This will conclude the first round, for which ribbons to 10th place will be awarded.


All riders from the first round will return for the second round. The course for the second round will be different from that of the first round. The scores will again be averaged, and ribbons to 10th place will be awarded for Round 2.


The averages from both rounds will be totaled to form an overall score. The four riders with the highest overall score, and any other rider whose overall score is within three percent of the highest overall score, will be required to work off individually. The judges scores from the work-off will be averaged and added to the overall score to form a final score. The highest final score will be the winning score.


round 1 score = sum(judges scores) / number of judges

round 2 score = sum(judges scores) / number of judges

overall score = round 1 score + round 2 score

workoff score = sum(judges scores) / number of judges

cut-off score  = Leader score - (leader score * .03)


Any rider completing the course will receive a score pre-agreed upon by the judges which shall be greater than zero.  Except for what is specified above, USEF rules regarding equitation classes will be followed.


Ribbons will be awarded through 10th place overall.  Juniors may compete in the Senior Medal Class when they move up to the Amateur division.  The winners of the NorCal Senior Medal Finals are no longer eligible to compete in the NorCal Medal Class for the next 7 years following their win.  



Open to all eligible riders who have qualified since the previous year's finals. Tack and attire to be as specified in Article XI Section 4. To be judged in two rounds and a work-off over a course of hunter type fences. Fence heights will be according to USEF specifications for small, medium and large ponies. The course will consist of not less than six fences with at least one change of direction. Riders in this class may not compete in the NorCal Junior Medal Finals in the same year. Suitability of pony to rider will be emphasized - stallions not permitted.


There will be at least two judges who will sit on opposite sides of the arena, and be on separate radio channels.. The same pony must be used for all rounds, one rider per pony. Due to illness of or injury to a pony, a rider may petition the Appeals Committee to be allowed to ride a substitute pony.


Order of Go: First round - drawn the day prior to the round, at a time and place to be announced.

Second round - Low score to high score within each pony size, with the steward drawing in case of identical scores.

Work-off - Lowest score to highest score, within each pony size if applicable.


All contestants will ride the first round. Each judge will give an independent score, which will be announced. The three scores will be averaged for each rider. This will conclude the first round, for which ribbons to 10th place will be awarded.


All riders from the first round will return for the second round. The course for the second round will be different from that of the first round. The scores will again be averaged, and ribbons to 10th place will be awarded for Round 2.


The averages from both rounds will be totaled to form an overall score. The four riders with the highest overall score, and any other rider whose overall score is within three percent of the highest overall score, will be required to work off individually. The judges scores from the work-off will be averaged and added to the overall score to form a final score. The highest final score will be the winning score.


round 1 score = sum(judges scores) / number of judges

round 2 score = sum(judges scores) / number of judges

overall score = round 1 score + round 2 score

workoff score = sum(judges scores) / number of judges

cut-off score  = Leader score - (leader score * .03)


Any rider completing the course will receive a score pre-agreed upon by the judges which shall be greater than zero.


Except for what is specified above, USEF rules regarding equitation classes will be followed.


Ribbons will be awarded through 10th place overall.  The winner of the NorCal Pony Medal Finals is no longer eligible to compete in any NorCal Pony Medal Class.



The purpose of this class is to introduce novice/intermediate riders to the demands of Medal Class competition. This class is open to junior and amateur members of NorCal who have not shown in any classes higher than 3'3" in the qualifying year. Trainers of contestants must also be NorCal members. A stallion may not be ridden by a junior.

Tack and attire to be as specified in Article XI Section 4. To be judged over a course of fences 3-ft in height. Course must incorporate at least one combination, including an oxer, and at least two changes of direction. There will be at least two judges who will sit on opposite sides of the arena, and be on separate radio channels.


Any horse may be used by a competitor, but the same horse must be used for all rounds, one rider per horse. A stallion may not be ridden by a junior. Due to illness of or injury to a horse, a rider may petition the Appeals Committee to be allowed to ride a substitute horse.


Order of go will be drawn the day prior to the class. All contestants will ride the first round and ribbons awarded through 10th place. All riders from the first round will return for a second round. The course for the second round will be different from that of the first round. Ribbons will be awarded through 10th place for Round 2. The scores from Round 2 will be added to those of Round 1.


The averages from both rounds will be totaled to form an overall score. The four riders with the highest overall score, and any other rider whose overall score is within three percent of the highest overall score, will be required to work off individually. The judges scores from the work-off will be averaged and added to the overall score to form a final score. The highest final score will be the winning score.


round 1 score = sum(judges scores) / number of judges

round 2 score = sum(judges scores) / number of judges

overall score = round 1 score + round 2 score

workoff score = sum(judges scores) / number of judges

cut-off score  = Leader score - (leader score * .03)


Ribbons will be awarded through 10th place overall. The winner of the NorCal 3-FT Medal Finals is no longer eligible to compete in any NorCal 3-FT Medal Class.


Section 4 PROTESTS:

An Appeals Committee made up of the Show Manager, the Steward and a member of the NorCal Board of Directors will be available to review protests. A protest must be written, signed and handed to a member of the Appeals Committee within one hour of the conclusion of the class. No money needs to be given with the protest.




Thank you sponsors!