Pony Equitation

1Jane Aker482.531113.5
2Eva Lipman49513108
3Anaya Kaul39797
4Abigail Robinson 395.595.5
5Audrey Gill481.51091.5
6Saoirse Fannon3671481
7Ariel Guo27272
8MacLean Sennhenn2323870
9Candice Ho2323466
10Ayaan Desai2362662
11Olive June20312354
12Violet Ewing20232952
13CORA RYU14646
14Makena Inouye242.542.5
15Brooke Janssen103131
16Cecilia Selinger102727
17Ava Klemchuk102222
18Ryley Kleber11717
19Harper Keeney101414

* Only the top 10 shows will be counted.

Please report any issues with points as shown here.

Thank you sponsors!